Bringing ChatGPT to the Apple Newton MessagePad 2000: A Vintage Tech Adventure

Introduction As a vintage tech enthusiast, I recently acquired an Apple Newton MessagePad 2000, one of the groundbreaking personal digital assistants (PDA) of its time. I’ve been excited to explore its capabilities and find ways to enhance its functionality by integrating modern technology. In this blog post, I’ll discuss how I managed to bring OpenAI’s […] is live!

My latest project has been putting the site that was formally back online. The site belonged to my late friend Ted Brattstrom who passed away on October 2, 2021. He went downhill very quickly after finding out that he had cancer. Just before the end, he and his wife Lisa King called me. He […]

Hello World!

Welcome to my new blog Welcome to the blog at I’m John Bonewitz. I decided that a blog would be a good way to keep friends and family and students appraised of my projects and musings. It’s good to be online! This image reminds me of the kind of posters we had up in […]